Secret Hideaways

We Know You'll Love

Secret Hideaways in Mishima

With all of the excitement and fun of travel, there are times when we need to unwind and refresh, alone or with loved ones. While away from home, finding these quiet places can be a challenge. We know, and we've got just the thing!
We've put together a list of our favorite places to find the tranquility you're looking for all within a short walk from the city center. Here you can sit, take in the surroundings and find your time to recharge.
Here are six secret Mishima hideaways just for you!

The gazebo beside Kohama Pond at Rakujuen Park

01. The gazebo beside Kohama Pond at Rakujuen Park

At the center of this beautiful park is the source of the Genbe River, the spring-fed Kohama Pond. Walk through the forest and over a stone bridge to find this secluded gazebo nestled quietly beside the pond. From here, you can see the traditional Sukiyazukuri architecture of the Rakujukan and the rugged, volcanic beauty of the garden and its surroundings.

An urban oasis at Chuo Suido-ato Park

02. An urban oasis at Chuo Suido-ato Park

Located just off one of the city's busiest and oldest streets is the charming Chuo Suido-ato Park. Originally the site of a natural spring for the area's water supply, the pump and storage tank are still preserved inside. Here inside this tiny urban oasis, you'll find a quiet seat to collect your thoughts, sitting among the park's trees and flowers.

Sit with the sound of crystal-clear springs to clear your mind

03. Sit with the sound of crystal-clear springs to clear your mind

After a busy day of exploring the city or just when you feel the need to get a quick recharge, head to this peaceful wooden deck at the head of the Genbe River. Just minutes from Mishima station, here you can sit uninterrupted beside the crystal-clear bubbling river. Try dipping your feet into the cool, spring water for that extra burst of energy.

The gazebo at Mizunosono Green Area

04. Sit with the sound of crystal-clear springs to clear your mind

Follow the Genbe River along the steppingstones to find this green area in the center of the city. Here you can sit at a gazebo beside the calm waters where you just might spot the brilliant blue flashes of a kingfisher, the city's official bird.

The perfect riverside bench at Shirataki Park

05. The perfect riverside bench at Shirataki Park

Just minutes from Mishima Station is Shirataki (White Falls) Park, so named for the gentle falls that form as spring water flows up through the lava before making its way to the Sakura River on its eastern edge. Find the perfect place to rest in the shade at one of the many benches facing this peaceful river and enjoy spot-billed ducks as they swim and Japanese wagtails as they dance.

Mishima's most secluded (and tiny) bench

06. Mishima's most secluded (and tiny) bench

A short walk from Shirataki Park is a small side street known as Tsukiya no Michi. Here the spring water that flows into the city was channeled into streams where waterwheels were once used to power a host of machines. It is also here that you can find a lone bench, located immediately beside a bend in the channel where you can sit and watch the water flow directly beneath your feet.
